Cruzan Black Strap Rum

May 12, 2012 - 5:58 pm 2 Comments


Type: Dark
Availability: Everywhere
Details: Smooth
Price: $12.99 to $15.99
Andy: This has a very strong mollasses smell, with a hint of coffee. Drank straight, it has such a strong mollasses taste, it is almost like drinking syrup. In fact you could use this on pancakes. Oooooo….Cruzan Balckstrap waffles. I may have something here. Mixed with Diet Coke the taste gets a little lost but makes a great base for any fruity drink. Mixed with pineapple juice it took down some of the sweetness of the pineapple and kept a nice rum flavor. Not sure I could drink a lot of it, but has a nice taste. A good alternative to Myers Dark if that flavor is too strong for you.
Adrian: This has a slight licorice smell. This is not a flavor I would normally drink, but I have been using this in Mai Tais, and they have been really good. Great incorporated into fruity drinks.

2 Responses to “Cruzan Black Strap Rum”

  1. Mothe' Says:

    My favorite sipping drink is a 50/50 mix of Blackstrap and Moxie soda on the rocks, although, I have to say, Black Seal, and Myers work just as well.

  2. Caesar Gonzales Says:

    I fell in love with this one. Could not appreciate it mixed with Coke or anything else. Did not do sipped straight. Prepared as a hot toddy, sweetened (!) with a teaspoon or two of brown sugar and a pat of butter(optional) and this is awesome!

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